
Lokenath Baba eventually reached the pinnacle of Realization.
He had attained the Self,
that state of being one with the Absolute ground of reality.
 He was at one with the Beloved.

There were a number of times when Baba did speak of the enlightened state:

"Words are such poor vehicles to express the inner experience.
Any attempt to reduce it to words only belittles the Ultimate Truth.
It is like the mute trying to express the taste of nectar."

"Everything that exists in the infinite creation exists within Myself.
The whole Universe is within Me.
 I am existence beyond space, time and causation.
My existence is without beginning or end.
 I exist in eternal expansion.
Whoever achieves that state can never fall from it.
Nothing can ever again be seen in isolation.
 Everything is seen as the expression of the One.
In variety is the taste of Unity.
Everything that exists in the Cosmos,
I feel it existing within my serf.
 I have become like that vast limitless expanse existing in eternity."
"The Gita is not some reading material that needs to be read regularly as a routine.
You must become the Gita - that is the whole purpose of the Gita.
The Gita is a melody; it is a song.
No music lover just reads the music.
 He must need to listen to it to realize its rhythm and harmony.
The Eternal Lord has been singing this divine song from time immemorial in the hearts of millions.
But we are always busy thinking about the past, doing the present and dreaming about the future,
hence we never hear this song."

"See the children - see how natural and unconditional their love and devotion is for their mother.
 There is no hypocrisy, no false vanity.
With such simplicity and trust you must surrender yourself to the Divine Authority.
Demand from Him as purely as the child demands from his parents.
Pray to Him as if He is the only one you can totally trust, as if He is the one on whom you can exert all your rights.
Only then will you realize that you have come so much closer to Him,
that he is not far from you - in fact,
 you will comprehend that He is the one sitting deep in your heart. "
"The difference between Bhog and Upabhog is like that between the husband of a woman and her lover.
Upabhog is illicit pleasure;
pleasure without proper control and without the sanction of the scriptures.
When you transgress the injunctions of the scriptures and enjoy the life of senses - that is Upabhog.
Upabhog can never give you mental peace and happiness.
However, you can attain spiritual peace of mind through Bhog,
 which is pleasure with a sense of control and in accordance with the shaastras.
 Through Bhog, you can even experience His Divine Grace. "

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